Retirement Pathways Analysis

Discover your path to prosperity, security and independence.

There are as many paths to a secure, prosperous, independent retirement as there are individuals, families and business owners who will traverse them!

The Retirement Pathways Analysis was designed as a free tool to help you discover your specific pathway to a secure, prosperous and independent retirement, whatever that means to you.

If you are in your 20’s or 30’s you may take a path that looks quite different than someone in their 40’s and 50’s, which will be altogether different than someone in their 50’s or 60’s which will be different again from someone about to retire or is already retired. 

Are you a W-2 employee with a 401(k)? That’s a unique pathway…

Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur? Another unique pathway…

Real estate or Crypto investor? Unique pathway…

Not only is your path unique to you but each pathway will also utilize unique financial tools, strategies, tactics and allocations that align with you and your specific pathway. 


Your Retirement Pathways Analysis Includes:

What is the RISA®? The Retirement Income Style Awareness® (or RISA®) framework is a psychology-backed, research-driven income personality assessment transforming retirement income planning.

The RISA is a questionnaire that takes about 15 – 30 minutes to complete. It is designed to help you uncover your preferences for retirement income. Your answers to the research-backed questions produce a RISA® report that helps you understand the most comfortable path to funding your retirement. 

MyRiskIQ3D, is a comprehensive risk assessment tool designed to measure various dimensions of risk-taking behavior. Unlike traditional assessments, this innovative questionnaire delves into not only your willingness to take on risk but also your ability and need to take risk. By evaluating your preferences for guarantees vs. probable gambles, choices between sure losses vs. sure gains, and your experience and comfort with risk, this tool can provide valuable insights to help you make better decisions about which pathways to retirement you choose. 

The Retirement Priorities Personal Ranking Survey ranks eight of the most common retirement priorities, providing valuable insights into your most important priorities and values to help you choose the ideal pathways for your ideal retirement.


The Concerns and Opportunities Report is a personalized and customized report prepared by John Ensley, ChFC® NSSA®. You complete a basic financial questionnaire and then John will analyze your situation utilizing AI assisted analysis tools. 

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the pitfalls, weaknesses and potential problems with your current retirement pathway (the concerns) as well as a detailed outline of potential solutions to those concerns (the opportunities) to get you on, and keep you on, the right path for you and your unique retirement goals and values.   

Live, personal, video conference consultation with John to review your survey results and discuss the concerns and opportunities report and answer all your questions…

You could spend hundreds to thousands of dollars to get this level of financial intelligence from conventional financial advisors but we are offering it at no cost or obligation… 

Why would we offer all this for free? Great question!

Because this is how we get to meet cool people like you! We don’t have fancy office buildings or million dollar advertising budgets. You won’t see us on TV or hear us on the radio. 

Some of you may choose to work with us as clients and some of you may not. Either way, we want your interaction with us to be as valuable as possible. 

The Retirement Pathways Analysis will provide you with personalized, actionable data that you can use to make better financial decisions right now. 

Ready to discover your Pathway to a Secure, Prosperous Retirement?

Just schedule your consultation appointment below, then watch your inbox for links to your surveys...


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